Thursday, April 5

Weather Blog #17

The weather this week has been really interesting to follow! This spring weather changes much more than the weather we had during the winter months. There have been a lot of changes in wind patterns in the last week because of all the low pressure systems passing under us. 

Here are some maps from monday afternoon. You can see there is a low pressure system to our south west causing us to have winds from the southeast. Whenever there are winds coming from this direction you can be prepared for precipitation. In the morning we had stratus clouds and as the day went on they became alto stratus clouds-this made me wonder if we would possibly be seeing precipitation later because this is part of the warm-front sequence.

sure enough, Monday night we had a crazy thunderstorm! Here are the maps from around midnight-right before the storm hit! You can see the barometer decreasing which means that precipitation is coming, we are also continuing to get winds from the southeast. It's interesting because the storm we had sounded pretty intense, but these maps and charts don't show anything that looks much different from those I have from earlier in the day. How can weathermen predict how severe a storm is going to be?

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