Friday, March 30

This morning the sky was covered in stratus clouds. There is no precipitation, and we are still receiving winds from the east because there is now a string of low pressure systems that have developed to our south. Because of this I anticipate that for the next day or two we will have off and on rain and cloudy conditions-this is bad news for me because I have a lacrosse tournament this weekend!! The water vapor map shows that there is a lot of moisture in the atmosphere right now, which further backs up my statement that we will be continuing to receive precipitation for a while.

Today on my walk to class there was a mackerel sky, which signals there is a change in wind pattern! The winds were now coming from the east, which means that we can probably expect rain in the next 24 hours! If the winds from the east aren’t enough of a hint that rain is on the way, the barometer was dropping all day, which means that precipitation is in the near future. Although the day was beautiful, around 11:30pm it began to rain. I’ve never had the opportunity to look at weather maps while its been raining, so I took this moment to gather the following charts:

You can see that the low pressure system to our southwest is bringing the storm with it-and it is the reason why we are getting winds from the east. Since low pressure systems rotate counter clockwise, the eastern winds above it were affecting us. As soon as it passes we can be expecting winds from the west, as well as clearing conditions for a while-at least along the lines of precipitation.

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